Friday, October 10, 2014

Wait ... Where the Heck Are We? - September 23, 2014

     Well, Bob, good for you.  I'm glad to see you're not such a stereotypical American male that you won't stop and ask for directions once in a while.  Though I will say that if you often find yourself driving around and disoriented with no idea where you are, you might want to see a doctor.  That could be early onset dementia, and while I'm pretty sure you are demented, I would hate to see you cause an automobile accident and hurt an innocent person.  So get that checked out.

     Thanks for the shout out, by the way.  At least, I'm guessing that's me you're talking about when you mention getting letters from "some guy in New Jersey." Did one of your kids teach you how to use the Google so you could find me? This isn't a letter, though, Bob, it's a blog.  You're not worth the cost of the stamp to actually send you a letter. I'm sorry I have to write to you in crayon, but I want to make sure I keep it on your level.  I'm sorry about the big words I use, too, but maybe if you look them up in the dictionary you'll improve your vocabulary without even realizing it.  And terrorist lite, that's clever, really clever.  Maybe look up the definition of terrorist, though, Bob, because it really describes you more than it does me.  See, I don't use fear and the threat of violence to intimidate and coerce people into accepting my political views, whereas your writing is almost nothing but fear mongering and calls for violence.  Say "hi" to the FBI for me, ok?

     So, back to the dementia thing: I don't know where exactly you get this idea that there are Muslim terrorists coming to kill you (I mean, I have a pretty good idea, but I don't know exactly), but you really do need to see a doctor.  Paranoid delusions are a real problem, and a symptom of schizophrenia.  I really don't want to see you hurt someone else.  I do find it humorous that you can, in the space of a few paragraphs, spread fear of Sharia law and then call for laws based on Christian morality, as if they're somehow not equal.  Oh, and I did Google "extremist Muslim training camps in America," and all I found was a bunch of reactionary websites blathering on about conspiracy theories.  Not one credible source in the entire bunch, Bob, but I know that doesn't matter to you.  Maybe you should ask your kid how to use the Google again. In fact, the only terrorists I see training in the US are the sovereign citizen jerks you so ignorantly refer to as your "fellow patriots," the Eric Freins, the Cliven Bundys, the Jerad and Amanda Millers, the Wayne Lapierres. You know, the people using fear and violence to coerce people into following their delusional political and religious views. People like you, Bob.

     Now, I have to ask: do you think that the man who shot State Trooper Cpl. Byron Dickson is a Muslim terrorist?  Because you don't seem to understand that this madman is actually one of your "fellow patriots;" a survivalist sovereign citizen nutjob.  I bet he's a "faithful Our Town reader."  He probably likes all the misogynist jokes.  Or maybe the Bible verses. Nah, I don't think he's much of a Bible reader, except maybe for Leviticus and any other passage that justifies hating homosexuals and people that "aren't Christian." (sound familiar?  Not even a little like the Sharia law you're so scared of?)  I mean, do you really think this guy is so different from you?  That you haven't encouraged him with your hate and rhetoric?  Are you that deluded? 

     You can attack me all you want, Bob, but it does not change the fact that I'm not the one espousing domestic terrorism.  Think on that the next time you want to accuse me of controlling "what you can read."  This isn't liberalism, Bob, it's straight up humanity.  You're a monster.  You're the worst kind of person, the kind that wraps himself in the flag and calls himself a patriot while encouraging people to fight the government, not realizing that the people are the government so really they're just fighting themselves.  You insult me and every other American every time you print your trash, and I'm sick of it.  The same freedom of speech that lets you print your "Creative Insight" lets me tell you to get bent, Bob, and the horse you rode in on. 

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