Sunday, October 26, 2014

Oba + Lbr ... ... = (October 23, 2014)

     I implore you to read this all the way through, then think about what was said, because no BS, domestic terrorist "Fellow Patriot" Robert "Bob" Beierle of the insipidly named Creative Insight LLC is back with a heaping helping of fear and paranoia.  Bob's campaign of terror this week focuses on ebola, and how illegal immigrant Muslim terrorist atheist Hollywood liberals are going to spread it to everyone and destroy America by using political correctness to make the government so big that it will destroy everything. You may think that last sentence was facetious, but I assure you that every single one of those groups gets not only mentioned but blamed for the coming plague.  And just to prove that Godwin's law doesn't apply only to the internet, we even get a comparison to the Nazis in this article.  It's a true Fox News libertard circlejerk of epic proportions.  I can't believe Alex Jones and Glenn Beck haven't found this guy yet, I'm sure he's their biggest fan.

     Bob's abortive attempt at a title shows us that his math skills are just as bad as his writing and punctuation skills.  In his fevered brain, "Oba + Lbr ... ... =" is the mathematical formula for the end of America.  Let's break that down: apparently, "Oba" is supposed to represent Obama, because if we can't blame him, who can we blame?  "Lbr" stands for liberals, those dastardly politically correct, unqualified, big government loving red herrings that Bob and his ilk love to blame for everything.  I'll at least give him credit that he's stopped using the pejorative "LIEberals," but I still maintain that Bob doesn't know what a liberal is, only that Fox News says they're bad, so he hates them.  The doubled ellipsis is a mystery, except for the fact that Bob really seems to love them and have absolutely no clue how to use them, peppering his "editorials" with them.  And  is, of course, Death!  Because when Obama and liberals get together, it means death! So be afraid, because politically correct liberals are keeping the border open and Obama is lying about it so that Muslim terrorists can bring ebola into the US and kill us all.  I wish that was a sarcastic joke and not the actual summary of Bob's essay, but sadly it is not.

     In what can only be described as a stylistic choice, Bob gives us a list of the kinds of people there are when a "true, honest to God danger is approaching," as opposed to all those fake, made up dangers that are blown out of proportion by a 24 hour news media and idiots with pennysaver magazines who consider themselves "patriots" but are in fact domestic terrorists.  First you have the "preppers," the morons "patriots" who stockpile food and ammunition for the coming apocalypse.  They're nothing new, they've been around for centuries carrying a sign that says "The End is NEAR" and taking every comet in the sky as a portent of the apocalypse, it's just that they now have a TV show.  Every once in a while an actual disaster does come and they use that as a twisted justification of their paranoid delusions.  They're the people who are constantly crying "the sky is falling" every time something they don't like happens.  Any time society changes, the world gets a little more accepting of lifestyles and people of which they do not approve, it's the beginning of the end.  They're rigid, small minded people who cannot think of anyone but themselves and live their lives in constant fear.  Bob seems to count himself among these people, and it's really not surprising.

     Next there's a few classes of people who basically live their lives, until we get to the "most dangerous," the people who downplay the coming dangers and alter facts to deceive you into thinking there's no danger for political reasons (as opposed to the ones who blow every sneeze out of proportion for political reasons).  These people are the ones who keep the sheep in line (yup, sheep).  They twist facts and tell you that the "preppers" are "extreme whackos ... racist, homophobe, anti-American, closed minded, paranoid people."  Well, Bob, excuse me for calling a spade a spade, but you are an extreme whacko.  Your writings are racist, homophobic, anti-American, closed minded, and extremely paranoid, not to mention ignorant, asinine, dangerous and incomprehensible.  Anyone with a whit of intelligence can see this, yet somehow your rag winds up in hundreds of businesses across my state.  

     Finally we get to the "sheep," the fifth class of people on Bob's list.  These are the ones who, I kid you not, "during the reign of the Nazis, turned in their neighbors."  They blindly follow the propaganda spread by the evil media and Hollywood, by professors and teachers.  That's right boys and girls: don't listen to educated people when they tell you that there is no danger, listen to Pennsatucky white trash!  Clearly Bob knows more about infectious diseases, illegal immigrants, radical Islam, and political science than all those dirty, corrupt, politically correct liberals at the CDC, the NIH, Harvard, Yale, and Holly-weird, amirite!  After all, according to the government's own statistics around 125 people fly into the US from West Africa every day!  It's a mass migration, and they're all carrying ebola! Panic! Fear! The sky is falling!!!  Apparently, there's a government up Bob's ass that is making up statistics, because that's the only place I can figure he got that number from. 

     From here, the "editorial" turns into this foolish rant about how the government is somehow downplaying ebola because of political correctness.  Clearly, Bob has as much a clue about political correctness as he does liberals: Fox News says it's bad, so he hates it.  Never mind that you can count the number of ebola cases in the US on one hand, never mind that you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than contracting ebola, never mind that reason, logic, history, or common sense dictate that freaking out about this is about as productive as running around the street screaming "ebola" at the top of your lungs.  It's all a government conspiracy to, what, exactly?  Maybe if Bob had some kind of rational conception of say, why the government would downplay ebola or what possible gain could be achieved by deceiving the American people about this disease there might be a case here.  Instead, Bob uses this as yet another opportunity to bitch about the things he hates: Obama, liberals, political correctness, the IRS, illegal immigrants, the government, radical Islam, etc, etc.  If aliens landed tomorrow, he would probably blame that on the same things.  

     If anyone doubts what Bob's true purpose is in these "editorials," I would like to direct your attention to his closing sentence. "Love God, protect your family, defend the Constitution, pray for the best, prepare for the worst, and lock and load."  That's right: yet another call to domestic terrorism in the name of "defending" the Constitution.  Espousing violence for the furthering of a political ideal; that's terrorism to the letter.  The real virus we should be worrying about is people who continue to spread fear and paranoia, who continue to write seditious lies and call for insurrection against us.  Inoculate yourself and your community by letting the businesses who display and advertize in the Our Town pennysaver know that you will not patronize their business as long as they continue to support a domestic terrorist.

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