Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Catching A Glimpse (August 8, 2014)

     Oh, Bob.  You really are simple, aren't you?  Is this really your idea of creativity?  Of insight?  This religious claptrap?  "I saw a ray of sunlight in the clouds and it was proof of GOD!"  Gimme a break.  This is something a sixth grader would be embarrassed to write, and you actually published it and distributed it to the world.  Look, Bob, you want to believe in fairy tales and ancient myths, that's your right.  You want to write about it, that's your right.  Where I draw the line is your asinine and ignorant rant about the Founding Fathers and their beliefs.  Because it's pretty well known that not only did your fairy tale "Creator" have nothing to do with the American Revolution, but most of the men leading that revolution couldn't be bothered with him.  I draw the line at your calls for "moral" legislators, because your definition of moral and my definition of moral are not even in the same universe.  Keep your religion out of my government, Bob, because I know you don't want my government up in your religion. 

     Listen, I had this whole thing worked up in my head about how Bob is the living breathing proof that there is no God, no "Creator," because no intelligent being could create such an angry, evil, misguided, reprehensible creature as Robert Beierle of Creative Insight, but what's the point?  Anyone who picks up his disgusting excuse for a "magazine" can plainly see that.  Yet for some reason, people keep paying him to print this crap.  And now, some group of morons has actually booked him to speak at their monthly meeting in PA.  He even included a shameless plug for his appearance at the, I kid you not, Patriot Connectors meeting this month.  Now, these people are not patriots in any sense of the word that is recognized by speakers of the English language, but are, in fact, a seditious organization that is connecting people to the Gospel of Glenn and Alex.  They seem to be a small group from a backwoods town, but hey, the Nazi Party was once a small group from a backwoods town as well.

     How much longer must we tolerate this nonsense? Join me in boycotting the businesses that support this horrible rag. 

Boycott these businesses

     That's all I have for this one.  I really don't have the energy or the inclination to go into The Gray Wolf and the Environmentalist (conveniently printed on the back of your shameless pull-out ad for your appearance at the "patriot" meeting) except to say that it's eco terrorist, Bob, not ego.  Besides, how can I even attempt this when John Oliver has already done it better than I ever could (NSFW, language).  Congratulations, Bob, you've proven yet again that you're too stupid to be taken seriously.  Way to go.

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