Monday, November 25, 2013

Yes There Is a Solution (Nov. 22, 2013)

     Happy Thanksgiving! Here we are, thankful for another certifiable rant from our favorite turkey, Robert "Bob" Beierle.  In this weeks episode, Bob explains to us that he's not Cujo but Toto, as he pulls back the curtain on our government and the "true corruption" inside.

     The great irony here is that the whole thing starts with a plea to keep an open mind, to not look at these things as conservatives or liberals, Republicans or Democrats (nice restraint there, Bob, actually using Democrat and not some made up epithet), but to look at them as an American.  Yes, Bob wants us to keep an open mind and remember that Hollywood and the media and liberal college professors have labeled people like him as racists, bigots, homophobes, "whackos" and extremists; not because they are any of those things but because the "lame stream media" and the great "Wizard of Oz/our politicians" don't want you to trust these people or listen to them as they try to warn you about the "big bad government" coming for your rights.  That's right: the government is the Wizard of Oz, putting on a big show and hiding their true selves behind curtains, and Bob here is faithful little Toto, come to pull back the curtain and show you and me the truth.

     Now, look, I'm not exactly a fan of the government. I'm as disappointed by the current administration as everyone else who believed that change was possible.  I have no delusions about what they're doing, listening to our phone calls and reading our browser history.  But I'm not going to ask you to keep an open mind and then in the same paragraph tell you how horrible Obamacare is when it's barely been around for a month.  I'm not going to go off on how this President has put us so much further in debt when the other option was to let the economy completely self destruct and bring on another Great Depression.  That's what keeping an open mind means, Bob, that you look at all of the facts, not just the ones that support your views. 

     This is why we don't listen to you and your ilk, Bob, because you go off the rails about things which you do not comprehend.  All you know is Reagan said government health care is bad, so any form of government health care is bad, no matter what, right?  Don't read the bill, don't bother to notice that it will reduce health care costs long term or that it will give millions of people health care that never had access to it before, it's from the government so it must be removing my freedoms and costing me money, so I hate it, Obama lied about keeping our plans, burn it all down.  So much for an open mind.

     I don't even need to read the rest of this nonsense to tell you what he says: Benghazi was lies, the government is running the economy, printing "fiat currency," made up history (Seal Team 6 was set up by the government to be killed by Muslim terrorists? Really, Bob?  CNN must have missed that one), and your standard Tea Party "our founding fathers were so great" baloney. In fact, the whole thing ends with a plea to drop your support for the traditional political parties and start supporting the Tea Party.  If you worship the founding fathers so much, why haven't you realized that the greatest gift they gave us was a living, breathing Constitution that is designed to change with the times, not a set of commandments carved in stone that must be rigidly followed or else?

     Seriously, Bob, if you want me to keep an open mind, first open yours.  As usual, your "editorial" is neither creative nor insightful.  Stop parroting Fox News and Glenn Beck and Rush and actually generate a unique thought for once in your life.  Maybe look up some facts before you make a decision, instead of just assuming that because something comes from a person you don't like it's automatically bad.  Until then, you're not faithful little Toto, you're just a rabid dog slobbering all over itself until Atticus Finch comes along to put you down.

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