Thursday, September 11, 2014

If Not YOU, Then Who? If Not NOW, Then When? (September 8, 2014)


: a person who loves and strongly supports or fights for his or her country

     I start this post off with a definition of patriot because I keep seeing it misused and abused by people like Robert Beierle of the myopically named Creative Insight, LLC.  I really think these people have never actually looked at the definition of the word, and have no idea what it means to be a patriot, yet they continue to use it to describe themselves as if wrapping their hate, bigotry, anger, and sedition in a flag somehow excuses it.  It's disgusting.  It's wrong.  And it's time for rational, reasonable people to stand up and say no. It's time for real patriots, not these people who are so afraid of change, of real freedom, of equality and opportunity for all, not just wealthy white Christian men, to speak up and let these people know that they are wrong, and we will not let them drag us down and remove all the progress America has made in the last hundred years.

     Our "pal" Bob is very proud of himself this week.  Apparently his little Reichsparteitag a few weeks ago got him and all his "fellow patriots" riled up and ready for the coming Volkskreig.  He claims that they've even discovered Facebook (though the page for Our Town USA is owned by something called Cherry Tree, which seems to have nothing to do with our man Bob here but does seem intent on indoctrinating children into his ultra-nationalist mindset) and that there are videos of his speech on YouTube, which I did find.  I'm not going to encourage you to watch them, because if you think his writing is bad, you really don't want to hear him speak. With 37 whole views, I don't think there's much danger of many people hearing it anyway.

     So, to save you the time, I'll sum up: as usual, Bob starts with a story of the "good ol' days," about how he met his wife in high school and yadda yadda yadda.  He even relates this story about how his high school English teacher failed him on a writing assignment and told him he will never be anything more than a ditch digger.  He really should have taken that advice.

     His speech, as well as his rant this week, is about how America is coming to an end. Bob has this delusion that America is under attack.  That the big, bad, evil Muslims are coming to bring Sharia law and behead all our children.  This is your brain on FOX News. Honestly, how can you complain about a $17 trillion Federal budget in one sentence and then say we need to send American soldiers to stop radical Islamists in the next? Do you simply not know that nearly 20% of the Federal budget is military spending, or are you so ignorant that you don't care? Never mind the 40% spent on Social Security and Medicare, which I'm sure your audience would be happy to give up to reduce Federal spending.  The cognitive disconnect of this man and his "fellow patriots" boggles the mind. Where exactly Bob gets his $17 trillion number from, I don't know, but the last Federal budget I saw was $3 trillion. The fear and misinformation train keeps rolling and the propaganda hits just keep on comin'!

     Bob thinks he's a patriot (see the definition above), but he's really a seditionist.  Let me include that definition for those of you out there who think that Bob is a patriot:


noun \si-ˈdi-shən\
: the crime of saying, writing, or doing something that encourages people to disobey their government

     This is the main thrust of Bob's writings.  Disobey the government, because they're no smarter than "The Three Stooges" and we need a "New Alamo," which is apparently Benghazi.  He and his fellow "patriots" need to get proactive, Bob says, because they "believe in America and they're scared."  No kidding they're scared.  They're not smart enough to know why they're scared, but they know they're scared because the TV tells them to be.  

     If you only watch one part of his speech, I recommend part 12, where he lays out his oh so creative (get it?) "plan" for an occupation of Washington DC.  That's right, 3 days, 1 million "patriots" invading the capitol and letting those no good moron politicians know exactly what they want. He even manages to throw in an insulting part about getting people from Texas, if you can find enough that speak English, by promising them food stamps (because they're all illegal immigrants). In case you're wondering where Bob finds his "creative insight," he pulls out a flask of "pure Pennsylvania mountain water" (sure) and gives directions to his favorite bar.  So now that we know where Bob can be found, he then plagiarizes (more on that in a minute) Kurt Russel's toast from Big Trouble in Little China and calls for Sean Hannity and the FOX News crowd to organize his "patriot" rally in DC.  I hate to break it to you, Bob, but like most of your "ideas," it's been done already, and only 80,000 or so "patriots" actually showed up.  

     One last thought on plagiarism: Bob, your title to this week's "creative insight," If Not YOU, Then Who? If Not NOW, Then When?  Yeah, about that: you didn't write that, Bob. You didn't even think it up.  So you can't copyright it.  Sorry.  Though maybe you should read up on Hillel the Elder, Bob, you might learn something about what it is to be not only a Christian, but an American as well.

"Do not judge your fellow until you are in his place."

"What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn"

      -Hillel the Elder