Sunday, July 6, 2014

Twilight's Our Town Zone (June 23, 2014)

A Freedom Day [Fairy] Tale!

     Just when I thought our buddy Robert (Bob) Beierle was out of "creative insights" (get it?) because he's been running reruns for the last six months, he drops this steaming pile of invective on us, just in time for the Fourth of July.  Judging by it's length, Bob's been working on this one for a while.  Maybe that's why he hasn't really printed anything new since December.

     So what is it, you ask?  Well, it's a wonderfully paranoid and infuriating piece of insurrectionist propaganda, framed as an episode of The Twilight Zone. That noise you hear is Rod Serling spinning in his grave. 

     It starts out with his usual rambling and nonsense about "regular" Americans and how hard it is to be a farmer, but the simple pleasures of family are really all they need.  It's like someone tried to type out a Norman Rockwell painting but instead got Thomas Kinkade's version of Mayberry.  I really don't want to go through the entire thing, because it's so bad it's not worth the time.  Let's just run down the tone deaf Tea Bagger talking points that Bob hits: he starts with how much better life was in the past; tosses in a nice bit of sexist nonsense about a female police officer; complains about car registrations, seat belt laws, and compares the police to gun happy, jackbooted fascists; attacks illegal immigrants and Mexicans; talks about the "war" on Christianity and how anyone carrying a bible in 2014 is somehow part of a cult; and it's all because of that darned color tele-vision thing the kids are so into these days.  Basically, he makes every moronic libertarian, anti-government, insurrectionist, sovereign citizen argument in the book, from attacking the EPA to the CIA to the IRS to the USDA.  It's just asinine.  But it's not the worst part of this month's Our Town.

     No, the worst, most heinous, most tone deaf and offensive part of this waste of ink and paper is the "joke" that appears on page four, with the I-kid-you-not title "Murder At Wal-Mart."  Two weeks after a couple of insurrectionists who were considered too crazy to be allowed to stay at the Cliven Bundy ranch shot up a pizzeria and a Walmart in Las Vegas, this fool is printing a "joke" about a man hiring a hitman to kill his wife at Walmart.  I wish I could make this up, but I can't. 

     These are the kind of people incited by Robert "Bob" Beierle and his tripe.  This is what his "Creative Insight" inspires, the brutal murder of police officers and innocent people.  How much longer will we tolerate this hate speech, this treason and sedition? Because that's what it is.  It's not free speech, it's sedition.  People like Bob spend a great deal of time talking about patriotism and freedom but what they're really talking about is treason. About insurrection against the government. It's time for real Americans to stand up and say no, we will not let you bad mouth America anymore, because when you bad mouth America you bad mouth us.  You endanger us.  If this horrible publication appears somewhere near you, please, do yourself and the rest of us a favor and let the businesses supporting this treasonous hate speech know that you will no longer frequent their establishments if they continue to spread it's poisonous message.  It's time to stand up.  It's time to make it stop. We may not be able to stop Fox News or Rush or Glenn, but we can stop this.  

"All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing."

-Edmund Burke