Thursday, December 26, 2013

It's 2014 And Where The Heck Is Our Happy Ending? (December 23, 2013)

     Merry Christmas from the land of the paranoid delusional oppressed middle class Christian white man!  And we do mean CHRISTmas, not Xmas or Happy Holidays or any of that liberal politically correct crap!  After all, the only people that matter are white Christians, nobody else could possibly have anything else to celebrate, ever.

     Ok, now that we have that out of the way, on to this week's latest and greatest from our pal Robert "Bob" Beierle, of the completely seriously named Creative Insight, LLC.  I can only guess that he had this ready to go before the whole Duck Dynasty kerfluffle happened and that's why we get this instead of some nonsense supporting homophobia in the name of religious freedom.  I'm sure we'll see something about it in January. In the meantime, Bob asks where our happy ending is.  And he's not talking about the Asian masseuse, either! Hyuk hyuk!  If you have a "misogyny" or "racism" square on your Our Town Bingo board (note to self: make Our Town Bingo boards), mark it off!

     No, Bob wants to know why it's so hard to be middle class and white these days, what with the government telling everyone how to live their lives and all.  After all, shouldn't hard work and being a white Christian man be enough to succeed?  How are we supposed to do that when the government keeps taking away our health care?

     Wait, what?  I know, I did the same thing.  Obamacare is still Bob's #1 bogey man, even if it's totally irrelevant.  He's incensed that the government has spent $2 billion on building a website, completely reformatting the health care laws in this country, and telling people how they can pay less for health insurance (or actually get health insurance they couldn't afford before).  I almost hate to point out that this expenditure is less than 1% of the Federal Budget.  I mean, they spent 4 times as much on prisons and wasted about the same amount on drug enforcement (while spending 1/4 as much on prosecuting financial crime, but whatever), but, since this isn't part of Bob's "happy ending," Obamacare is clearly something to get worked up about.

     Bob's really pissed that 6 million people have lost their health care because of Obamacare.  Soon that number could be 80 million! I'm not sure where these numbers are coming from, by the way, but I can promise you that they came from somewhere near Bob's chair, approximately 2' above the floor and the sun doesn't shine there. I have to wonder when Bob will realize that those 6 million plans went away for a very good reason and were replaced by better, more affordable plans.  Probably on that day when hell freezes over and Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, Glenn, and Fox and Friends start reporting that part of the story.

     You might ask what is Bob's idea of a happy ending?  Well, apparently it involves "the ability and the good health to work in a society where hard work, innovation, creative thinking, and the willingness to take chances is rewarded."  Funny, I thought that was the society we lived in.  Let's look at some of Bob's examples:

  • A farmer who only wants to own a farm and raise livestock.  What a great idea! Why hasn't anyone thought to do this?  What a shame that the government is so oppressive that they won't even allow people to grow and sell food.  If only Obamacare didn't have those provisions making farming impossible!
  • Own a restaurant and make it the best one it could be.  Gee, what a lovely dream, I'm sure we would all love to have a place where friends and neighbors could gather for a tasty meal and a few drinks and some fun without worrying about getting food borne illness or having some cheap bar owner charge them for a premium drink while pouring them swill.  It's too bad the government has so many regulations making people lose their health care so they can't own restaurants. 
  • Mom and Dad want to teach their kids instead of sending them to public school.  I know, the Federal government is so strict about home schooling, it's such a shame they round up children every day to force them into public schools. If only we could just keep them in a shed where their only exposure to the world was through our strict interpretation of the Bible.  Surely then they will bring nothing but good into the world.  Too bad Obamacare won't let us educate our children the way we want.
  • A country that honors veterans instead of empty promises and broken deals. Seriously, it's shameful how poorly we treat our vets, we only have two holidays celebrating their service, plus all those sporting events where they give free tickets and recognition to service members, and all those "Support Our Troops" bumper stickers.  I mean, it's really embarrassing that we spend so much time recognizing and thanking these people and then complain when the government wants to spend money ensuring their health.  Oh, wait, that wasn't sarcastic, was it?
   Yes, most Americans have simple dreams, they're good folk who only want to live their lives in freedom.  They want a government that will allow us to protect our private property (because why pay for police when you can just shoot anyone you don't like?) and side with "real Americans who were either born here or came here from other countries legally, instead of allowing illegals to come into our homes, to take from us, and then to give us demands of how we should act towards them and what we should give to them."  Yup, there's that racism you were craving, draped in an American flag, half baked at 350ยบ and served up on a bed of outrage and anger.

     Look, this is just a thought, and it might be a crazy one, but hear me out: maybe, just maybe, if you want a "happy ending," you shouldn't be putting so much hate and anger into the world.  Maybe, instead of ignorant vitriol, try some empathy, some sympathy, even a bit of compassion or a modicum of respect for other human beings.  Try reading and listening instead of ranting and raving.  Instead of knee jerk reactions based on faith, rhetoric, talking points and misinformation, try educating yourself and basing your arguments on fact.  As a wise man once said "in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."  There are no "happy endings," Bob, this is real life, not a story book.  The best you can hope for is a happy today with a chance of a happy tomorrow, but you won't get either if you're constantly angry and hate everyone.  Even Ebeneezer Scrooge figured that one out.