Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rogue Government (June 8, 2013)

     I've sat on this one for a few weeks, needing to digest Bob's essay and get my head around exactly what was going on before commenting.  This edition, ranting about the IRS using their powers to go after conservative groups, is classic Robert Beierle, in that it is disjointed, barely coherent, and definitely neither creative nor insightful.  It is more or less a rehash of whatever Bob heard that week on Fox News or Rush or Glenn or whatever cracked out radio waves that get piped into his brain, with a nice little anecdote about how he was personally targeted by the President.  Not to call him a liar, but I seriously doubt President Obama has ever heard of Our Town Pennysaver, much less Robert "Bob" Beierle or "Creative Insight" LLC.  But I digress...

    This week's rant starts off with a definition of the term "rogue." It's quite interesting that Bob can literally type out the definition (probably copied and pasted from Webster's) and then immediately use the word incorrectly in a sentence.  Let's hear it for public education, right Bob?  All this is leading up to is the accusation that our (but not Bob's, oh no) government has gone "rogue" and is no longer of the people.  The proof, of course, is that the IRS is targeting conservative political action groups.  Somehow, that all ties in with Benghazi and Islamic terrorists and armed Federal officers at Tea Party meetings and Leon Panetta and flu vaccines and radio tracking devices implanted in your head.

     Bob gets in the requisite "Obama is a Nazi" reference (thank you, Mike Godwin), comparing him to Sergeant Shultz (because he knows "nozink!" Get it?)  Then, in what has to be the most twisted and asinine passage of a harangue so ludicrous that even a paranoid schizophrenic would say "tone it down," he somehow manages to imply that the President of the United States is a child molester.  It would be funny if it weren't so mind numbingly insane.

     At one point, Bob says that there are people out there who think that this whole thing is ok.  I'm here to tell you, Bob, that the only people out there defending this are the ones who were involved in it and personally benefited from it.  If you think there is a Democrat or a liberal or a "college kid" out there who isn't angry with our government, who isn't outraged that they're spying on us and using our money for personal gain, then you're a bigger fool than I thought.

    Now, I'll admit, the crazy in this piece just got too much for me to handle.  Yeah, Bob, what the IRS did was wrong.  What the NSA is doing is wrong.  I admit that I am extrememly let down by what President Obama has done and not done in his 5 years in the White House.  I still maintain that he was a better choice than the alternatives.  I would include Congress in that disappointment, but this type of nonsense is about what I expect from Congress; my expectations for them are so low that I don't know it would be possible to be disappointed in Congress.

     As much as I agree that there is a problem in government right now and something needs to be done about the overreach of Federal power, Bob's newest tirade is about three words short of advocating armed rebellion against the government, and I just can't get down with that.  He describes himself as a Patriot at one point, and I would laugh at that except that it offends me so much.  If this is what passes for patriotism these days, this type of paranoia and hate and anger, then leave me out of it.  Bob has the right to speak his mind, he has the right to publish whatever he likes, but so do I, and right now, I'm asking Bob to please shut up and stop making the rest of America look bad.