Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Mr. Robert Beierle, of the ironically named Creative Insight, publisher of Our Town "magazine", this time you have gone too far. I've been quietly reading your tripe for months now, waiting to respond, building up an archive of your hateful and angry rants. Your slanders against our public officials, your whining and complaining about how difficult it is to be a white man in America, your claims that Christians are so persecuted in the US. I've bitten my tongue, because, really, if I respond to your awful claims, it legitimizes them, it lets you know that someone is actually reading your atrocious words. But I cannot, I will not, sit by as you co-opt the tragedy that was 9/11 and try to make it into yet another tale of how oppressed you are as a white Christian American. I will not.

As you say, "the truth of 9/11 is what we saw. Terrorists of Muslim faith hijacked planes, flew them into the twin towers, into the Pentagon..." This happened. We all saw it. It may be the only piece of truth in your editorial of September 8, 2011. You go on to blame Hollywood, progressives, liberals, President Obama (although you never name him directly, I can only assume that when you say "our President", you mean him and not Bush), the news media, and "elitists", whoever they are, for changing the history of the day and telling us not to blame every Muslim we come across for the act of 19 individuals. You have so much anger and fear of Muslims that you seem unable to accept that not every Muslim in the world wants to kill Americans. Worst of all, you wrap yourself in the American flag and point the finger at everyone else and claim that they're spitting on the memories of the people who died that day by not hating every Muslim on Earth.

Here's the thing, Bob: I don't know what you're talking about. As I recall, the tenth anniversary of 9/11 had plenty of replays of the planes hitting the towers. Yet you claim the news media will not show those images. If saw it once on Sunday, I saw it a dozen times. You claim that the "powers that be" refuse to call the terrorists Muslim or Islamic, yet that was all the discussion for most of last week. You even claim that the community center (not a mosque) that the Cordoba Initiative wants to build 1/10 of a mile from the site is funded by tax dollars. (It's not, for the record.) Who's rewriting history now, Bob?

You talk about how "Our President... felt it necessary to apologize to different leaders." Not sure who or what you're talking about here, Bob, but I do seem to recall President Bush having Taliban leaders at the White House. And since we're talking about rewriting the history of 9/11, who exactly was it that led the country to believe that Saddam Houssein was responsible for the attacks, and that's why we needed to fight a war in Iraq? Oh, right. (That link, BTW, is the Christian Science Monitor. I know you won't question them, right Bob, because after all, they're Christians, and not liberal elitist media types.)

You mention that the media and other news outlets refuse to play the footage of the towers from 9/11. You rail on that instead of calling them terrorists they're "Islamic freedom fighters" and it was a "man caused disaster." I'm not really sure what you're reading, Bob, but when I search for those terms in relation to 9/11, the word terrorist inevitably comes along with it. In fact, the phrase "freedom fighter" seems to be more often used to describe the people who ran into the towers or helped bring down United 93 than it does for the men who hijacked the planes. The only place I seem to find "man caused disaster" is from reactionary publications. It might be time to broaden your reading material.

Finally, Bob, I'd like to point out a part of 9/11 history you missed, a little bit of rewriting you did on your own. Remember what Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson said, shortly after 9/11? Remember how they blamed it all on homosexuals and the liberals and America "throwing God out?" I know you do, and I'm willing to bet you agree with them. Who's really rewriting the history of 9/11? The reality is, this event has been politicized from day one, and will continue to be as long as we allow it. So I'm drawing a line in the sand, Bob, and telling you: stop it. Right now. No more. It's gone far enough, and I'm sick of it. You will not spread your lies and hate under the banner of patriotism anymore. I may not be able to stand up to Fox News or Rush Limbaugh, but I will stand up to you.